JoAnna HanseninThe StartupIdentifying Barriers to AccessibilitySeveral months ago, I introduced the concept of The Severity Gap which occurs when businesses make different impact and priority decisions…Jan 12, 20211Jan 12, 20211
JoAnna HanseninThe StartupChanging the Priority FrameworkAuthors note: This post is intended to focus on how we can adjust our own prioritization frameworks, and the inherent value we place on…Jun 17, 2020Jun 17, 2020
JoAnna HanseninThe StartupThe Severity Gap in AccessibilityClosing the severity gap requires a shift in mindset, and a broader understanding of how severity is defined for accessibility.May 22, 20201May 22, 20201
JoAnna HansenBe a bridge builder, not just an ally“When stumbling blocks can become stepping stones, then these stones that the builders reject can equally become chief corner stones!” ―…Nov 11, 2019Nov 11, 2019