Beautiful Angel
I wrote this back in May of 2010 when a friend was suddenly taken from us at too young an age. She’d just found the love of her life. She was well on her way to being a huge professional success. She was dearly loved by everyone she encountered. She lit up a room. She truly was a beautiful Angel who now keeps watch on us all.
Love, and laughter; things offered
left behind but always remembered.
So stunned and so sad
Yet so happy and so glad
To have known for just a minute;
The beautiful strength of an angel.
Such peace, and such heart; things given
to remain with all those still living.
So angry and so stressed
Yet so grateful and so blessed
To have seen for just a minute;
The beautiful light of an angel.
Courage and wonder; things shown
to guide those still needing to go on.
So bewildered and so dazed
Yet so awed and so amazed
To have felt for just a minute;
The beautiful love of an angel.
Go now dear angel, we’ll miss you.
Be close though dear angel, we’ll need you.
Dance with us dear angel, we’ll feel you.
In our hearts forever dear angel we’ll keep you